How do I reset my password?


Last Update hace 5 meses

This article will walk you through the process of resetting your password. It can help you resolve the following issues:

  • The system is telling me my password is wrong.
  • I don't remember my password.
  • It's been a while and I want to reset my password.

If you need to reset your password, start from the login page. Click on the "Forgot your password" link.

Enter your email address and click send:

You should see this screen:

You should receive an email from a "noreply" account immediately with the subject line "Please confirm your password reset." You must open this email and click the button inside within an hour, otherwise you will need to repeat the password reset process.

When you open the email, the message will look like this:

Click the "Set new Password" button. Remember to click this button within an hour, otherwise you will need to repeat the password reset process.

A new tab or window will open with this screen:

Enter in your new password twice. Passwords are case sensitive. If you want to view your password, click the eye icons:

Once you have typed in the same password twice, press the "Reset Password" button:

You should see this screen:

Click the Login button to log in to Wreno.

If you need additional help, try this article: I don't know how to log in to Wreno.

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