I can't enter my address during onboarding.


Last Update a month ago

This article can help resolve the following three scenarios:

  1. I entered my full address, but Wreno doesn’t accept it.
  2. I don’t have a physical address, only a P.O Box
  3. Error message - “This address doesn’t have a building number. Please provide a more accurate address.”


I entered my full address, but Wreno doesn't accept it.


I got an error message stating “This address doesn’t have a building number. Please provide a more accurate address.”

Please click on the correct address in the drop-down menu that appears while typing. Even if it is the exact address, Wreno cannot accept addresses that are manually entered.


I don't have a physical address, only a P.O Box


Please enter a physical business address, if possible. However, for vendors who do not have one, please enter the post office address in Line 1, and the PO box number in Line 2.

If you're still having trouble, please contact us here.

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