I'm a property manager. How do I invite a new vendor?


Last Update en måned siden

This article includes a step-by-step walkthrough on how to invite a vendor to your company.

Start by logging in to your account.

1. On the left side of the screen, click My Vendors:

2. This will take you to your vendor dashboard. Click the Add button:

3. This will take you to a screen where you can fill out the preliminary profile information for the vendor:

4. There are five pieces of information required to create a vendor profile:
  • Business Name
  • Contact First and Last Name
  • Office Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email

NOTE: The vendor is able to update or change all of these items once they've accepted their invite and created their profile.

5. Make sure that you choose the address from the drop-down menu that appears as you start typing. You must select the address from the drop-down menu. Do not hit "enter" instead.

6. If you wish to add the vendor to any categories, you can do so at this point:
7. Once you have filled out all the information, press the Create Vendor button. This will automatically send an invite to the vendor.

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