How do I see my vendor's compliance status?


Last Update één maand geleden

In this article, we will help you navigate your profile so you can see your vendors' compliance status.

First, begin by logging in to your account. If you are having trouble logging in, please read this article. 

The first thing you will see is your dashboard. Click on the "My Vendors" button to see your vendors:

This will show you a general overview of your vendors and their compliance status:

You can filter the vendors using the "Filter" button:

Use the filters to find multiple vendors. If you wish to search by vendor name, use the keyword search in the filter bar:

Click the "Apply" button.

When you've filtered your list, find the vendor you wish to get more information on and click anywhere along their line:

This will take you to that vendor's overview:

You can see how many items on the checklist they have completed:

You can view the documents they've uploaded:

If you want to see why a document was deemed "Not Compliant," you can click the "See Why" link:

To see all documents, click the "See More" button:

If you have any questions regarding your vendors' documents, please reach out to us here.

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