How do I reinvite a vendor?


Last Update 2 hari yang lalu

This article will cover how to reinvite a vendor who already has a profile. For help on creating/inviting a brand new vendor to your roster, check out this article.

Reasons you may need to reinvite a vendor:

  • Their invitation expired. 
    • Invitations expire in Wreno after two weeks if the vendor hasn't logged in
  • They lost or never received the initial invite email and would like it re-sent
    • They can check their spam messages. The invite comes from

1. Start by logging in to your account. If you're having trouble, check out this article.

2. From your dashboard, click on "My Vendors:"

3. Click on "Invited Vendors" to see all of your invited vendors:

You can see the status of their invite on the far left of this screen:

4. Click on the vendor you want to re-invite:

5. If a vendor's invite has expired, you will receive this pop up:

6. From this pop up, you can choose to delete the vendor or re-invite them. 

NOTE: If you choose to "Remove" the vendor, it does NOT give you a confirmation button. It removes them from your list immediately. If you accidentally remove a vendor, you'll need to re-invite them.

After you click "Re-invite Vendor," their status will change to "Invited:"

7. If you wish to re-invite a vendor who lost their invitation email, Click on that vendor's profile:

8. A similar pop up will appear. You can click on "Re-Invite Vendor."

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