I'm exempt from needing Worker's Compensation insurance.


Last Update hace un mes

This article can help resolve the following issues:

  • I know I'm exempt, but the portal is asking me for a Worker's Comp insurance policy instead of an exemption
  • I don't know what documents are accepted for a Worker's Comp exemption

I'm exempt from needing to carry worker's compensation insurance, but my compliance checklist is asking for it.

To start, log in and click on your profile. 

Click on "Business Details:"

Ensure that you have selected "Yes" under the question "Are you exempt from Worker's Comp?"

Next, how many payrolled employees do you have? This number should not include independent contractors/1099 employees. Ensure you have selected the correct number under "Number of Employees" in your profile.

  • Each state/county has different requirements for Worker's Comp exemption. You may be able to find the requirements online.
  • If you need help updating your profile, please check out this article.

What can I upload as proof that I am exempt from Worker's Comp?

First, please be aware that we are looking for proof of exemption, not a waiver. The difference is as follows:

  • A Worker's Comp exemption shows that you do not owe Worker's Comp benefits to any employees.
  • A Worker's Comp waiver shows that you will not receive Worker's Comp benefits from someone you perform work for.

Most states issue a certificate of exemption. If your state issues this kind of documentation, please obtain one and upload it as your proof of exemption.

If you are unable to obtain this documentation, we can also accept the following:

  • A business tax or financial document showing you have no W2 employees and pay no wages
  • A signed and notarized self-declaration of exemption

In some cases, we may be able to accept a signed a dated statement that describes your business and explains why you are exempt from Worker's Comp insurance.

Please contact us here if you are having difficulty obtaining any of the above options.

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